Wayamba conference in management
WAYACiM-2023 would be an excellent platform for undergraduate researchers to share, discuss, and debate the findings of innovative research studies from both empirical and practical perspectives.
Important Dates
- Submission of Extended Abstracts Deadline
- Notification of Acceptance
- Submission of Camera Ready Copy
- Deadline for Registration
The Department of Business Management cordially invites you to participate in the 5th Wayamba Conference in Management (WAYACiM-2024).
We are hosting WAYACiM 2024 with the physical participation of authors, panel members, academics and other participants and the conference will be managed via Microsoft Conference Management Toolkit (CMT). All the conference activities will be accessible via a web-based interface and authors are requested to create CMT accounts before submitting their papers. Please use the following link to create your CMT account and submit your paper.