WAYA3MD Competition

The Stage for Your Presentation Mastery

WAYA3MD challenges participants to present their research or ideas in just three minutes using only one slide. The goal is to communicate complex concepts clearly and engagingly to a general audience.

Register now

Important dates

Registration Due Date11 October 2024
Supervisor Recommendation22 October 2024
First Round15 November 2024
Final Round29 November 2024

The 3-Minute Dissertation Presentation Competition is an academic event combined with the annual research conference of the Department of Business Management (WAYACiM) that challenges level four (04) students of DBM to present their research in just three (03) minutes. The competition aims to develop students’ presentation and communication skills, boost their confidence, and highlight the academic excellence of top-performing students.

Competition Prizes

The Champion

The Champion will be awarded a medal, a cash prize and a valuable certificate as the best 3MD Presenter.

The Runner-Up

The Runner-Up will be awarded a medal and a valuable certificate as the next best 3MD Presenter.


All the participants will be awarded with a valuable certificate recognizing their participation in the competition.

Target Audience

Level four (04) students of the DBM who have completed their dissertations (MGT 4ϯ19 Research Project).

The Protocol of WAYA3MD

Upon the receipt of the Call for Applications by the WAYACiM Secretary, the interested students shall apply for the competition with the recommendation of their research supervisor. One supervisor can recommend up to five (05) applications.

Note: If a supervisor receives more than five (05) applications, he/she will alternatively recommend the first five (05) applications or arrange a preliminary presentation round to shortlist the applications.

Each shortlisted participant will be allocated three (03) minutes to present their research project using one static slide, with no transitions, animations, or sound.

There will be two rounds of screening, of which the particulars are given below.

Initial round: The initial round of the competition will be conducted before the conference, and the top five (05) presentations will be selected for the final round.

Final round: The final round will be held as an event of the main conference. Two (02), awardees will be selected by the selection panel as: “The Champion” and the “Runner-up” respectively based on the evaluation criteria set by the WAYACiM Ex-co. The decision of the selection panel about the awardees will be the final decision.